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Fästpunkt 1 Rental Settings

What happens with recycled referrals?

In the evaluation pool he will be analyzed at least 15 days if he will come back to the rental pool be avalable for rent again, or may continue to stay in the evaluation pool. But before that happens he must meet certain requirements;

1) Standard members: 11 clicks the last 5 days.

2) Golden members: 14 clicks in the last 6 days.

3) Golden members with Golden Pack: (sapphire, platinum, emeral, diamond, ultimate) 17 clicks in the last 7 days.

You maybe wonder where your rented referrals are coming from, and what happens with those who gets recycled? The referrals you rent comes from a pool and every registered member, except those who was recruited by someone to neobux, comes from that pool.

There are some restrictions on how many referral you are allowed to rent, otherwise the pool would soon be out of referrals. When you've become a Golden member with more than 300 rented referrals you can use the rental queue or rent directly from the pool by set your rental times.


Everyday 10 000 - 15 000 new members sign up on NeoBux, and an unknown number of members also quits, or will have their accounts suspended due to inactivity. Alot of people sign up, click their ads a few days then gets tired and click less and less often. People who behave like this will be recycled, manually or by autorecycle - into the evaluation pool.

When the referral in the evaluation pool fulfilled those requirements they will be moved to the rental pool and once again become available to be rented or in-recycled.

A Standard member can only rent and recycle referrals from group 1.

A Golden member can only rent nd recycle referrals from group 2.

A Golden member with Golden Pack (sapphire, platinum, emeral, diamond, ultimate) can only rent and recycle referrals from group 3

A Rented Referral Can Be Anyone

A referral you rent in NeoBux can be anyone, your neighbour or someone on the other side of the world. We don't know who that person is, because his user name are hidden to us.

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